Do you have any idea how can I use xp:fileDownload control in a xp:repeat control ?
I binded xp:repeat control to view. So I am available to get NotesViewEntry per line.
But I didnt get attachments using var variable in xp:fileDownload control.
I placed xp:repeat in xp:panel and created data document in panel object. I placed fileDownload control inside this panel. And binded document data source to fileDownload.
Not worked !
Have an idea ?
I have 10 documents and every document has one more attachment. I want to show these files using filedownload control.
<> <xp:dominoView var="viewReviews" viewName="vwLookupGoruslerHepsi"></xp:dominoView> </> <xp:repeat id="repeat1" value="#{viewReviews}" var="viewEntry"> <xp:table style="width:100%;border:1px solid #ddd;margin-bottom:5px;" cellpadding="2"> <xp:tr valign="top"> <xp:td rowspan="5" style="width:250px"> <xp:text id="computedField9" tagName="h4" escape="true"> <xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{viewEntry["GorusBildirecek_CN"]}]]></xp:this.value> </xp:text> </xp:td> </xp:tr> <xp:tr valign="top"> <xp:td> <xp:panel id="panelGorusEkler"> <> <xp:dominoDocument var="docGorus" formName="frmGorus" action="openDocument" documentId="#{javascript:viewEntry.getNoteID()}"> </xp:dominoDocument> </> <xp:text escape="true" id="computedField1" value="#{docGorus.GorusBildiren_OU1_NAME}"> </xp:text> <xp:fileDownload rows="30" id="fileDownload3" var="rowFile" indexVar="rowIndex" value="#{docGorus.Ekler}"> </xp:fileDownload> </xp:panel> </xp:td> </xp:tr> </xp:table> </xp:repeat>